WE DO THIS TO HONOR Those Stolen, Raped, Enslaved, Abandoned, Victimized...

www.AllRightsReservedUniversity.org We do this not just for our selves. We do this to honor the law and rights of all Man & Womankind. We do this to honor children stolen through cfs, cps & registration of live birth which enslaves and strips rights from newly born children to register them as chattel property of a corporation pretending to be a government. We do this to honor the people, woman, men hung upside down and beaten by police, these are people we know personally, and all those we don't. This is to honor rape victims who had no family or friend able to protect or stop or avenge what happened to them or prevent it in the first place. To honor all who fought and died in wars for freedom and trying to protect it. To honor all, who oppose evil, and live for love and freedom for all. Pledge/Visit/Join: www.VIPEmpire.org