Vision For Membership
To Be Free, You Must Become Worthy Of Freedom & Honor. No Exceptions.
- You must do your sovereign paperwork.
- You must open your own sovereign bank accounts.
- You must create wealth and stop paying income tax.
- You must when able to, quite legal slave jobs.
- You must learn your rights, so you respect others rights.
- You must reserve rights in legal contract.
- You must open your own society.
- You must form a crew and protect yourself as a gang would using lawful process and privacy.
- You must educate your children, stop sending them to public slavery school.
- Stop getting vaccinated!
- Eat healthy, as most processed food will give you cancer as it increases metals in your body, and high ph, equals cancer can grow.
- Stop thinking legal anything is a government, IT ISN'T, JUST A CORPORATION!
- Learn how to protect yourself with private law fee schedules, against legal agents who force contract.
- You must become competent at admin.
- You must become competent at self and community security.
- You must keep away from strangers within your community, should be no stranger danger. Hence no public school.
- You must become complete, and grow beyond how you were diminished by the legal system.